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Unexpected Gifts From Here And Beyond.

The Promise Of Soul Love

Pam Culley-McCullough

For over forty years I worked as an educator, counselor and psychologist.  I loved every day of my work! I felt privileged to help others heal from their traumas, addictions, losses and relationship challenges.


But then the unexpected happened as my father lay dying from cancer. In one powerful moment, Spirit came to us letting us know that death would not be our final separation.  


Unbelievable, yes! Possible? I wasn’t sure.  After my dad passed, my doubts overshadowed any possibility that our relationship would continue.


Yet the call of Spirit persisted. Eventually, I let go of my doubts, opened my heart and slowly joined my dad in what has become our amazing afterlife connection. To say this new relationship was transformative is an understatement. In short order it led me to becoming a published author writing about the things I know best…life with my loved ones.


In my upcoming father-daughter memoir, The Promise of Soul Love: Unexpected Gifts From Here and Beyond, I reveal the back story that led to our current afterlife connection. In this memoir I chronicle my dad’s early childhood challenges, his eventual journey through alcoholism and recovery sharing our private struggles of healing, finding the courage to grow and the love to forgive.  I show our vulnerabilities, mistakes and lessons learned that prepared us to be open to Spirit’s eventual call.


If you would like to read an excerpt from this story NOW, you will find it in the publication of Pebbles in the Pond, Wave Four. Order your e-book or print copy today at


Thank you for joining me and becoming part of my community.  I hope the conversations I have with my dad, Poppy, and the insights he shares will help light your way even in the darkest moments.

Let's Connect

Do you long to connect with a loved one in Spirit?
I am available for individual consultations to assist you in this way.

Are you looking for a speaker?
I would enjoy speaking at your next event whether it be a book club meeting, a gathering of friends or a professional meeting.


Please contact me: I look forward to hearing from you.

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